2020 John Deere 6145M
$45,000.00 USD

Category: Tractors - 100 to 174 HP Tractors
Machine Name: 2020 John Deere 6145M
Machine Location:Fort Wayne, IN
Stock Number: 0901180630
More Info: https://mhe-lift.com/inventory/forklifts+and+lift+trucks/2020-byd-ecb18-fort+wayne-in-5ed6c3e8ac573412776da792/
Description: Upgrade your forklift truck fleet with a sustainable, efficient and safe model such as the BYD ECB18 electric machine. This truck is Iron-Phosphate truck can be fully charged in 2-hours with no cool-down time needed. These BYD units can also be equipped with a standard 110V Charger that is used for lower usage applications. <br><br>Learn more about the new technology of the BYD by called MHE NOW @ (260) 749-0475<br><br><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iSn4PhPCPJA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Tractors - 100 to 174 HP Tractors
2020 John Deere 6145M
$45,000.00 USD

Apply for Financing
Dealer Information:
Fort Wayne Materials Handling, LLC
Ft. Wayne, IN
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