1995 Case Ih 7220
Auction Pricing

Category: Tractors - 100 to 174 HP Tractors
Machine Name: 1995 Case Ih 7220
Machine Location:Lancer, SK
Hours: 7952
Serial Number: JJA0061210
More Info: https://www.rbauction.com/1995-CASE-IH-7220?invId=15114225&id=ci&auction=LANCER-SK-2025530&utm_source=ceg2&utm_medium=syndication&utm_campaign=rba-syndication
Description: Enclosed Cab, 18 Forward, Power Shift, Leon 808 Loader, Grapple Bucket, 3 Rear Remotes, 540/1000 PTO LOCATED-IN-LANCER-SK
Tractors - 100 to 174 HP Tractors
1995 Case Ih 7220
Auction Pricing

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Dealer Information:
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Lancer, SK
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